- T. Mehler. Challenges and applications of assembly-Level software model checking (2-page abstract). In German AI Magazine (KI-Zeitschrift 1/07), pages 39-40.
- T. Mehler. Challenges and Applications of Assembly-Level Software Model Checking. PhD Thesis University of Dortmund.
- T. Mehler and S. Edelkamp. Dynamic incremental hashing in program model checking. In Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 149(2), pages 51-69.
- T. Mehler. Directed C++ program model checkign. In ICAPS doctoral consortium.
- S. Edelkamp and T. Mehler. Incremental hashing for pattern databases. In Poster Proceedings of International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pages 17-20.
- S. Edelkamp and T. Mehler. Knwoledge aqusition and knowledge engineering in the ModPlan workbench. In International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pages 26-33.
- S. Edelkamp, T. Mehler and S. Jabbar, editors. ICAPS tutorial on directed model checking.
- T. Mehler and S. Edelkamp. Planning in concurrent multiagent systems with the assembly model checker StEAM. In Poster Proceedings of German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), pages 16-30.
- S. Edelkamp and T. Mehler. Incremental hashig in state space search. In Workshop on new Results in Planning Scheduling and Design (PUK). Pages 15-29.
- P. Leven, T. Mehler and S. Edelkamp. Directed error detection in C++ with the assembly-level model checker StEAM. In Model Checking Software (SPIN), pages 39-56.
- T. Mehler and P. Leven. Introduction to StEAM - an assembly-level software model checker. Technical report, University of Freiburg.
- S. Edelkamp and T. Mehler. Bytecode distace heuristics and trail-direction for model checking Java programs. In Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence (MoChart03), pages 69-76.
- T. Mehler. Gerichtete Java Programmverifikation. Masters Thesis, University of Freiburg.